Thursday, 13 March 2025

Pulsar 200 DTSi Masih Diproduksi !!

Siang ini saya mendapat email dari saudara haryo di Milis KOBOI. Bro Haryo memforward email yang beliau dapat dari Bro Gary yang menyurati Mr DHARMESH K BANERJEE, Vice President buat South East Asia. Dalam suratnya MR DK memberitahukan bahwa Pulsar 200 masih tetap diproduksi baik itu unitnya maupun layanan spare partnya. Berikut petikan berita dari Mr DK yang saya copas dari milis :

Dear Gary,

Pulsar 200 is not discontinued and is continued to be manufactured and exported to all countries. Please do not feed in to such reports , we are manufacturing the model and its spare parts for servicing our customers.


Tapi separti yang saya beritakan pada artikel saya terdahulu, hampir semua media Online seperti dan masih banyak portal dan blog lain menyebutkan Pulsar 200 RIP . . . karena kemungkinan akan kemakan sama market saudara sendiri yaitu Pulsar 220 Karburator. Saya sedikit menganalisis, mungkin Pulsar 200 akan tetap diproduksi dengan catatan bukan untuk Konsumsi India . . .Tetapi untuk di Ekspor ke Luar India. So Para Pulsar 200 Rider nggak usah khawatir lagi. Thks Mr H atas emailnya

Taufik of BuitenZorg


  1. gpp kang taufik, yg penting udah diklarifikasi. Blogger kan cm mencoba menganalisis, menyimpulkan, & memberitakan, gw yakin emg gada maksud buruk pada intinya. (gw mengomentarin pernyataan Mr.Dharmesh K)

  2. @ KangTau ( Kang Taufik )

    email gw dapat dari milis BIM, nah asal mula email mempertanyakan kelangsungan P200 itu dari Bro Gary. Gw hanya memforward sebagai sebuah informasi.

    Tenkyunya ke Gary aja yang udah mau menanyakan ke DK

    Sekian Klarifikasi dari gw…hehehe

  3. halo, salam kenal,…
    setau gw di india sana emang masih kan ya? gw baca beritanya p200 2009 dapet body p220, sama spt p180 2009 dapet body p200
    di youtube ada kok video nya, search aja..

  4. ni respon gw terakhir dengan DK:

    Dear Gary,

    There is something called a strategy. Each market has its own strategy , India has its own and Indonesia has its own. The same company , based on its strategy can do different things in different markets. It is not necessary that what we do in India needs to be done elsewhere as well. In India we have so many more models , are they in Indonesia ? No .

    Therefore My strong suggestion is to believe what you see on the road and in showrooms in Indonesia and that is that Pulsar 200 is continued to be sold. Please do not be guided of what we do in India and please do not speculate un-necessarily.

    BTW you may correspond on these issue with Vaibhav who is marked copy in the mail and is based in Jakarta.




    From: Wiwaha, Gary [mailto:Gary.Wiwaha@……com]
    Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 8:20 PM
    Subject: RE: Bajaj Pulsar 200 Indonesia
    Importance: High

    Hi DK,

    Can you explain on this since the words come from Bajaj’s CEO.

    Taken from:…si-phased-out/

    S. Sridhar, CEO (two-wheelers), Bajaj Auto, said, “The carbureted version of the new Pulsar 220, which has been launched, offers higher power and better performance at a much lesser price. So, continuing with the Pulsar 200 was not possible, as it was priced in the similar range. We wanted to offer the buyers a better bike at an affordable rate.”

    Bajaj Pulsar 200 DTSi becomes the first Pulsar to be phased out since Bajaj Auto started producing Pulsar brand of motorcycles in 2001.



    Gary Wiwaha

  5. ini respon gw terakhir dengan DK:

    From: Wiwaha, Gary [mailto:Gary.Wiwaha@……com]
    Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 8:20 PM
    Subject: RE: Bajaj Pulsar 200 Indonesia
    Importance: High

    Hi DK,

    Can you explain on this since the words come from Bajaj’s CEO.

    Taken from:…si-phased-out/

    S. Sridhar, CEO (two-wheelers), Bajaj Auto, said, “The carbureted version of the new Pulsar 220, which has been launched, offers higher power and better performance at a much lesser price. So, continuing with the Pulsar 200 was not possible, as it was priced in the similar range. We wanted to offer the buyers a better bike at an affordable rate.”

    Bajaj Pulsar 200 DTSi becomes the first Pulsar to be phased out since Bajaj Auto started producing Pulsar brand of motorcycles in 2001.



    Gary Wiwaha

  6. jadi terjawab sudah misteri “mati”-nya P-200….:D Sesuai dengan analisa Bro Taufik, Pulsar 200 diperuntukkan untuk pasar luar negri India, jadi bukan untuk dalam negrinya…:D

  7. koreksi postingan ku sendiri nih.. ternyata yg pake bodinya p220 itu p200Fi.

    ada disini

    New 2009 Bajaj Pulsar 180:-
    Added clipons, tank flaps, rearset footrests, split seat, grab rails, oil sealed naked chain.
    New 2009 Bajaj Pulsar 200:-
    Added clipons, rear disc brake, broader front forks.
    New 2009 Bajaj Pulsar 200 FI:-
    Added clipons, rear disc brake, broader front forks, 220’s full fairing, fuel Injection (+1bhp).

    The 1st blue bike is Pulsar 200.
    The 2nd blue bike is Pulsar 200FI.
    The 3rd black bike is Pulsar 180.

  8. kyknya gak bro….yg masuk nanti P-180 baru memakai jubah P-200 (dr rangka dan kenaikkan HP menjadi 17HP)….lalu P-200 memakai jubah P-220 (dr rangka dan kenaikkan HP menjadi 21HP)….:D
    Jadi yg mau beli Pulsar terbaru ayo nabung dr sekarang….:D

  9. @Taufik,
    Sami2 bro…:D

    Masuk bro….kalo P-220 ditegaskan sekali lagi belom masuk ke Indonesia….:D….denger2 sekarang Bajaj lagi nyiapin Pulsar KTM – 250cc yang ngambil basis dari KTM Duke….:D….tapi sekali lagi bila manajemennya berubah keputusan kita gak tau ya….ditunggu aja tanggal mainnya…:D


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