Sunday, 9 February 2025

Nih Penampakan New Yamaha Fino ( FI? ) 2013 Di Thailand

Fino FI 2

Bro sekalian, ternyata teaser yang di rilis salah satu dealer Yamaha di Thailand dan muncul di tmcblog beberapa hari yang lalu sepertinya bukan isapan jempol belaka. Di Forum Roda dua Thailand telah beredar beberapa gambar sosok motor skutik bergenre Retro modern yang disinyalir merupakan Next new Yamaha Fino 2013 dan dua gambar diantaranya dkirim oleh bro darwis (thks bro) ke tmcblog dan iwb semalam . . . cekidot

Pada motor yang sejatinya baru besok dirilis secara resmi oleh Yamaha Thailand ini, Di sektor bagian tebeng depan Bentuk Headlamp sepertinya sedikit berubah walaupun letaknya tetap di tebeng dan tetap berkesan menggunakan ‘pet’. Lalu bentuk dan letak lampu sen depan berubah . . . letaknya tetap ditebeng akan tetapi agak lebih ke bawah . . .bentuk mika lampu sennya agak lebih memanjang

Fino FI

Bentuk Buritan juga agak berubah, bagian stop lamp dan bagian lampu sen . . . mesin  nggak begitu keliatan mudah mudahan menggunakan mesin injeksi yang common part dengan Mesin Mio J series . . . tapi ada yang menarik . . . cekidot matic ungu yang terletak disamping kiri Fino Biru . . . sepertinya ban yang digunakan mengadopsi spek ring 12 inchi ya? bagaimana menurut penglihatan bro sekalian . . . hmmm kalo benar memang sepertinya terlihat lebih  gemuk sedikit spek rodanya, atau itu Filano yang memang ber roda 12′ ? . . . Pertanyaan lanjutan adalah apakah Fino seperti ini yang rumornya juga akan dirilis di Indonesia sebagai Mio Fino FI? hmmm biasanya siiih . ..  disinyalir nggak jauh berbeda bro . . . kita lihat saja nanti . . . semoga Berguna

Taufik of BuitenZorg


  1. kurang keren….lampunya biasa gk seru. susah klo buat lawan projectorny scoopy… malah lbh retroan yg lama.. akn sama sja kykny klo dijual disini. mending drpd hamburin duit gede2. mending riset nouvo elegante….titik..titik…
    xeon rc kyk ada valuenya cz modelny kalah dgn vtf 125.

  2. tampangnya tambah lebih NGGILANI dari yg karbu wak haji.
    Bokong belakang malah mirip SILITE PITEK aka BRUTU.

    mengapa sih yaMAHO selalu GAGAL dalam membuat desain? Kan memang cuman bisa GONTA GANTI striping doang keahlianya. IMHO

  3. FBH merenggek minta dimasukin sini buat bahan tertawaan,FBY lebih baik yg lama punya jati diri Retro Asli,komen dibawah pasti bawa2 NVL VS CB

  4. perbandingan SCOOPY dan Fino:
    honda scoopy:
    # lampu depan projector
    # injeksi
    # sensor 02
    # katalitik konverter
    # model CIAMIK dan stylis
    # ban gambot (standar matik honda)
    # bagasi luas

    yaMAHO fino:
    # lampu depan biasa
    # model yo wis ngunuiku
    # karbu (injeksi)?
    # ban cacing (smua matik yaMAHO)
    # velg teknologi HARLEM SHAKE alias GEAL GEOL (silakan buntuti dr blkang kalo ada mio lewat)
    # harga operpret

  5. Ane heran sama YIMM

    Udah dari Mio pertama pelek sudah geal-geol, eh sekarang udah 7 tahun tidak ada action sama sekali, masih pakai aja velg buatan vietnam.

    Harapannya dulu pas Mio J muncul pelk-nya diganti kek macem kaya punya Honda.

    Apa itu fitur yak, cuma lupa ditulis sama YIMM di spesifikasinya

    Red: barusan berangkat kerja lihat MIO J bulan 07-17 velgnya aduhai… kaya goyangannya jupe….

  6. Depannya masih bagusan yang lama. Tinggal kasih injeksi dan dirombak bagian belakang + ban dipakein ban gambot model X-Ride !!! Pasti lebih joss !!!

  7. jujur masih bagusan yg mdel karbu lama,
    dibandingkan dgn lets pun msh bgusan suzuki lets,
    buat head to heat Lwn scopy kynya nanggung bgt…jauh

  8. Jelek.. Desainer Y makin lama makin gajebo desainnya. Keabisan ide kali. Masi bagusan fino lama, apalg suzuki lets.. Ckckckk..

  9. waduh,

    fino lawas aja yg diawal peluncuran dipuja-puji dan digadang-ganda meluluhlantakkan scoopy aja nga bisa berbuat banyak.

    apalgi ini yg baru spyshoot dah dikatain jelek

    dah ngak usahlah dimasukin dimarih

  10. ciri khas yamaha dan honda…
    Yamaha :
    – desain2nya sedap dipandang
    – dipake mantap,
    – lihat yg makenya jd lbh keren
    – mesin yahud
    – ga ngbohong
    honda :
    – desain2nya kacau (ky mocin) & suka niru yamaha
    -dipake ga enak ky mocin
    – lihat yg makenya biasa2 aja
    – mesin biasa2 aja
    – tukang ngaku2 & bohong ( keiritannyaa )
    buktikan dgn lihat dr depan, belakang, samping dan atas…

  11. lampu depan mirip suzuki nex, body blkang kayak silite pitek aka brutu. Wkaka :mrgreen
    model matik retro terbaik:
    1. Scoopy fi
    2. Lets injeksi
    3. Vespa lx
    4. Kymco
    5. Fino



  13. motor jelek aja ngapain diluncurkan lg
    oake injeksi lg…seharusnya yamaha malu
    udah jualan fino nyaga laku sama sekali, ini coba peruntungan lg dgn jualan fino injeksi

  14. Kayaknya bentaran lagi kang Taufik turing pakai Xeon RC nih, ane tunggu artikel nya kang terutama konsumsi BBM nya.

  15. please yamaha, jangan pernah utk coba masukin motor jelek kayak gitu. sebaiknya fokus di line product yg lebih potensial

  16. buat petinggi Yamahooo sering” buka Blog Otomotif,
    Biar tahu selera konsumennya,
    dan ga salah langkah,
    jgn sampe model yg bgini dimasukin,hahahaa,,,
    bcanda kali yah, 😀
    coba pada perhatiin jelas” model yg lama dulu deh, bentuk lampu blkg sama sein nya apa ga aneh???,
    nah ini yg baru lbh parah,
    bukan cm blkg bahkan muali dr depan smpe blkg aneh,hahahaa,,,
    ini sih Kymcooo Retro kali,
    alias Mocin model Retro,wkwkkk,,,,
    warna kok hitam, putih, biru,

  17. wah bagusan Filano nya kang.. liat di google.. kaya Vespa (maklum blom mampu beli Vespa..) muncul gak yah dimari.. ban nya biarin aja kecil ring 12.. harganya yg bersahabat..

  18. kurang keren dan masih kalah sama scoopy Fi lampunya juga biasa gk seru, susah klo buat lawan projectorny dan gaya retroannya scoopy sejauh ini

  19. masukin indonesia aja biar rame bnyk pilihan, mslh laku ga laku blakangan…. toh konsumen adlh raja…

  20. ‘ Propecia is meant to be used in men suffering from male pattern baldness after consulting a doctor.
    It is possible that combining the two hair loss products in a regimen can address the hair loss problem from
    two fronts. By observing all the above tips when faced with the problem of hair loss Minneapolis
    citizens should be able to contain avoidable hair breakages.

  21. Osbourne, who was lauded for her use of self-tanner on America’s
    Dancing with the Stars, went on to endorse a self-tanning lotion,
    St. Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs instant spray-on makeup, dries in 60 seconds, came
    in shades tan glow, medium glow and deep glow 4.
    Dihydroxyacetone also has an effect on the
    amino acids and nucleic acids which is bad for the skin [ Most people lather on the fake tan before stepping out into the real sun, and ironically, that’s the problem. Not only that, but it sprays large brown dots out onto your skin that is not airbrush like at all, and you are forced to use your hand to rub the small dots into the skin otherwise you will look like you just sprayed on a bunch of freckles or moles. Shave and exfoliate skin before applying a self tan product to avoid spots and patches of darker skin. There are several renowned cosmetic companies in the market, making new tanning products introductions each day. However, the World Health Organization recently added tanning beds to the top tier of lethal carcinogens, right up there with tobacco, arsenic, and hepatitis B. More precisely “5 Star Mobile Tans” owned and operated by Sandra Torrez. When the time comes to walk down the aisle, walk slowly & gracefully – don. But many machines use a power jet compressor device and spray gun which means a treatment can be completed in the space of 5 minutes.

  22. Finasteride on the other hand has been approved by Food and Drug Administration to treat enlargement of prostate.
    While some causes of hair loss might be associated with how you eat and what your physical health is, not all of them
    involve good diet and healthy habits. She did not seem too enthusiastic about it and claimed that she had just been to the toilet
    and did not feel like peeing any more.

  23. The hair follicles are not receiving the right balance
    of nutrients they need to grow. Electrolysis – Electrolysis is a solution which utilizes a
    needle to kill the hair at its root. Refrain or
    limit the amount of heat applied to your hair through the use of blow dryers, curling irons, straighteners, etc.

  24. Even frequent blow-drying at extreme heat or brushing obsessively can cause your
    hair to become extremely fragile causing it to break and fall out.
    When too much pressure is put on the hair over time it can speed up
    the hair shedding process, resulting in the loss of hairs
    already in the telogen phase. Refrain or limit the amount of heat applied to your hair
    through the use of blow dryers, curling irons, straighteners, etc.

  25. Much less pleasant but equally essential is understanding expertise these kinds of
    as cleansing dentures, feeding individuals, having temperatures and
    measuring catheter output, all of which totally get ready
    students for the expertise evaluation test. Electrolysis –
    Electrolysis is a solution which utilizes a needle to kill the hair at its root.
    light of one wavelength, not of an entire spectrum like a light bulb.

  26. It is suitable for use even on those tender parts of the body.

    Choosing a good conditioner that is right for you can keep hair healthy in the long run. Warm water opens up the cuticle allowing you to clean the hair shaft, but if you use warm water to rinse your hair the
    cuticle will stay open allowing moisture in and the hair
    shaft to swell.

  27. This artificial fragrance, alcohols will create pain and skin irritation. Spray
    tanning makes the skin golden brown, and not orange.
    Some Sun Laboratories Spray Tan Solution products contain Aloe Vera as well as certain botanical


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