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Introducing ….. Motoupdate



TMCBlog has been so far very iconic if you are in seek of any update involving two-wheleers. You guys are regular subscribers, waiting impatiently in the early day from Sunday to Sunday again, hoping to read any news to share. And now since TMCBlog has been decided to get moved to fresh dedicated server with possibly increased capacity of hosting, the old one hosted in wordpress.com being temporarily left vaccant will have automatically occupied by another blog and brand new website called motoupdate.

Motoupdate is not simply present, yet there is a noble and humble intention behind the launching motoupdate of providing the expanded, broadened information network dealing with two-wheelers in general, enriching readers’ related knowledge.

At the moment, Motoupdate will be serving as English version of those articles regularly published in  tmcblog.com with occasional delay sometimes happening to posts release. However, as time passes, the delay will be gradually narrowed, leaving you only a few second to await. As you may have realized that only one person required to managed TMCBlog, Motoupdate surprisingly will be managed by up to three persons.

Those writers, coming from different occupations, are myself, taufik, Ms dr. Ucha and Arif Rakhman. Three of them will be providing a positive collaboration through their good and strong synergy in order to give, if God wills, such good, informative, and useful posts. We all beg your prayers and moral supports devoted for MotoUpdate and TMCBlog remaining in positive synergy and provide you guys the readers with daily information for the enlightment shining in two-wheelers sphere . . . good luck and happy reading




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