Tuesday, 4 March 2025

TPT code signalling Fuel injection Honda Revo on display


Dear readers, a newly-added code has been put on TPT website, made by Indonesia’s giant manufacturer Astra Honda Motor. AHM has registered three bike-related codes including NF11T11C01 M/T, NF11T11C02  M/T and NF11T11C03 M/T . . . When those codes are carefully reviewed . . . the configuration pattern involving an array of numbers and letters is very identical to those present in tax regulating agency’s website some days ago that TMCBlog has analyzed, i.e. Honda AFP12 series and Honda AFX12 series, and signalized both as Honda’s injected Blade, the rival of Jupiter Z. However, these ones are pretty easy to make a guess due to the presence of NF code used by AHM to identify its step-thru’ bikes . ..  so you might be wondering what kind of bike this NF11T11C code belongs to . . . TMCBlog has a strong feeling that the code are Honda’s injected Revo-related . . .

Surely yes . . . combined letters of NF and M/T (meaning manual Transmission) are indeed implying step-thru’ bike, the ‘11’ means the bike, which is likely injected Revo, will have 100cc engine displacement . . . quite weird is, however, “F” is not applied to those codes to mean injected version of their bikes? h ehe he the answer TMCBlog is able to provide to you is not less than a signalling one . . . because in the near future full-injected engine regulation will be imposed . . .logically . . . injected-engine-related special code should not specifically provided he he he, imho, cmiiw

Next question arises when looking at the codes. Why should there be three codes available? The answer lies on present situation in which there are currently three variants of Honda’s Series being sold in Indonesian land including Revo Fit, Revo Standard and Revo CW . . . it is signalized that all of three codes represent soon-to-be injected version of revo series ? With regard to which code fit which variant . . . we will have to further notification posted on TPT website . . .


When the codes have been showing themselves, you might be asking about how does the bike actually look? The next question might be when will it be released and sold? How much will it be priced? . . . gosh, stop asking those impatient questions because only AHM knows the answers and its executives might be laughing reading these lines . . . but if prediction is given a space to exist here on the basis of previous experience, we can tell that Honda usually makes a 250 thousand rupiah rise from its current carburettor versions pricing to its soon-to-be injected version, imho.

You might be then looking at your piggy bank or checking your balance to make sure you will immediately when the release is near . . . it takes usually 1-3 next month after the leakage to release a brand-new product .  . however since AHM has stated that there is no more new product to sell in the remainder of 2013, it must have been as early as 2014, you can expect it to happen in January or more and it will be considered first product AHM will launch in 2014. Talking about its design, you should not be curious again because sources said its front view will take a good resemblance of ever-popular Honda’s Revo 100 with edgy look to seamlessly remove the image of Jupiter MX on it. Please read the complete guess of injected version Honda’s Revo here and here . . . have a nice reading

motoupdate | tmcblog


  1. Bener bro Macantua, naek cuman 250rb doang pasti tetep laku. Apalagi teknologi berubah dari karbu ke injeksi. Gwa yakin Strength point Revo masih ada yng pasti pilihan Gwa tetep 1000% Honda

  2. okee kita tunggu aja yaa.. bener ga nih AHM bakalan bikin Revo Injeksi…. tapi jangan sampai udah launching barangnya indent yaa.. ntar konsumen pada ngaburr….

  3. Ini produk Upgrade sepertinya, soalnya dari dulu sampe sekarang pun Revo dibuat beberapa series dan variannya, jadi ga khn salah lagi ini adalah varian terbarunya yaitu injeksi

  4. Kayanya sih emang tujuannya semua varian jadi injeksi ya.
    Saya sih dukung ya, biar ramah lingkungan.
    Saatnya go green, peduli sama lingkungan kita yang akan dirasain sama anak-cucu kita ntar. Bravo Honda sama teknologi injeksinya 😉


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