Saturday, 1 February 2025

Muffler R9 Racing generation Masuk Dunia MotoGP

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Bro sekalian, R9 Racing Generation, satu lagi muffler buatan Indonesia setelah Sakura akhirnnya memasuki kancah dunia Motor Prototipe. Itu kabar gembira yang dikirim Bro Mario Genie secara langsung via email ke tmcblog. Dalam emailnnya disebutkan secara resmi Bahwa R9 Racing Generation dan Gresini racing Moto3 menjalin kerjasama selama 2 tahun . . . bagaimana bentuk kerjasamannya?


Dalam email belum terlihat adanya penyebutan kerjasama riset dari Muffler R9 ( dalam artian penggunaan muffler R9 di Motor  ) , namun  Logo R9 racing generation akan menempel baik di motor maupun di baju balap kulit ( werpak ) dari pembalap Enea Bastianini and Andrea Locatelli . . . bro seklian bisa membaca di catatan kaki akhir artikel berikut Berita resmi yang dirilis Gresini Racing Moto3 :

Taufik of BuitenZorg


Silahkan bersilaturahmi dengan TMCBlog melalui

Gresini Racing Moto3 welcomes R9 Racing Generation into the world of MotoGP as an Official Sponsor to the Team. The Indonesian exhaust manufacturer has entered into a two year partnership with Gresini Racing in the Moto3 World Championship as part of their first sponsorship experience at the pinnacle of two-wheeled motorsport.

The agreement will see R9 Racing Generation’s logo featuring on the motorcycles of both Enea Bastianini and Andrea Locatelli as well as on their racing leathers. Their logo will also feature on the team clothing and the team equipment and materials.

Located in Indonesia, PT Anantha Jaya has been producing R9 Racing Generation exhausts since 1996: quality products which meet customer needs and satisfaction in terms of style, sound and performance of the exhaust. The production of each new model goes through various processes, from the selection of high-quality materials – stainless steel, titanium and carbon – to the use of advanced machinery for precision, a skilled manpower and a meticulous quality control.


“Thanks to Gresini Racing, R9 Racing Generation has managed to make its entrance as an Official Sponsor in the Moto3 World Championship for the 2015 and 2016 seasons. An important partnership, which hopefully represents only the first step of a long-term relationship, prior to a future commitment in the MotoGP class. This agreement will allow us to introduce our products on a global stage, thanks to a team that has all it takes to achieve great results: we hope to bring the right spirit and to give a concrete contribution so that the Gresini Racing Moto3 team can aspire to win the world title”.
“We are very pleased that R9 Racing Generation has identified in our Moto3 project the ideal platform to make its entry into the MotoGP World Championship: we will work closely together to increase the R9 Racing Generation brand awareness on a such important stage, as well as to promote our sport in Indonesia, a country where the interest for motorcycle racing is constantly growing. We look forward to this exciting new adventure and we believe that this partnership will provide many new opportunities for both parties. Finally, we do not hide that we will take part to the 2015 season with big ambitions, so we are confident to repay the trust they placed on us”.
  1. tau gak

    tukang ngelas knalpot di pabrik R9 gajinya 8-10 juta/bulan broo…

    pernah diulas di majalah MotoBike (alm)

    **trus gaji tukang bacot FBH,FBY,FBS,FBK,FBViar,FBKs(kaisar),FBJialing,FBMinerva,FBHappy piro yo..???

  2. kenapa gak semua sponsor asal indonesia bergabung bikin team moto3 sendiri dg pembalap asli indonesia? KYT, PERTAMINA, R9 dll…

  3. mantap R9 apalagi seponsorin moto3 yang notabene pake mesin 250cc yang langsung bisa di aplikasi ke motor 250cc macam R25,Ninja250 dan CBR250

  4. Saya pribadi pesimis, jangan2 seprti kyt, cuma merek doang yg nempel di helm, pembalapnya saja enggan mempertaruhkan nyawa mebggunakan produk yg belum terkenal, meski secara kualitas mungkin sama,,,

    sama seperti kasus, r15, r25 dan merek lain yg di export ke luar negeri, ngapain kita harus bangga, karena itu bener2 merek jepang, kalau ada yg bangga, kasihan sekali orang itu, cuma dikasih hiburn semu,,,,


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