Alex Rins Cidera Pergelangan Tangan Kiri . . Absen race MotoGP Austin 2017 – Bro seklaian, Situasi cold wind yang etrjadi saat FP3 memang banyak memakan korban . . salah satunya adalah pebalap Rookie Suzuki ECstar Alex Rins mengalami Crash di T19 CoTA pada sesi FP3 yang menyebabkan retak pada tulang lengan Kirinya. Setelah mengetahui cidera ini Suzuki Ecstar langsung mengirimkan konfirmasi resmi bahwa Rins tidak akan Ikut start pada Race MotoGP Austin 2017

Di Medical Centre sirkuit, Rins Lansung memperoleh perlakuaan medis berupa X-Ray Yang menghasilkan diagnosa berupa โ€œradius and ulnar dislocated fracture of the left wristโ€ dan Langsung ditransfer ke Rumah sakit Universitas Brackenride di Austin untuk menstabilisasi retak yang terjadi selagi menunggu kepulangan ke spanyol

Radius dan Ulna itu adalah nama dari sepasang tulang yang ada di lengan kita ..ย  Nah dislocated Fracture itu bisa berarti pergeseran/ dislokasi dari keretakan/ patahannya , cmiiw

Di RS Universitas Brackenride Rins memperoleh evaluasi dari team Ortopedi dan Trauma dibawah pinpinan Dr. Austin Hill dan dinyatakan mengalami dislokasi retakan pada pergelangan tangan kiri. Penanganan sementara yang dilakukan oleh team ini adalah berupa operasi dan pemasangan pin sementara Lokasi retakan pergelangan tangan Rins . .ย  get well soon Rins

Taufik of BuitenZorg

Statement Resmi Suzuki ECstar :

Team SUZUKI ECSTARโ€™s rider Alex Rins sustained a crash this morning during Americas GP Free practice 3 session, that caused a fracture to his left arm. Rins was in his first lap of a new run when he incurred in a high-side with his GSX-RR at corner 19. For this reason he will not be able to take the start at tomorrowโ€™s race.

Right after the crash Rins was transferred to the medical center for medical controls and the X-rays indicated a โ€œradius and ulnar dislocated fracture of the left wristโ€. Rins is now being transported to the University Medical Center Brackenridge in Austin for further medical checks, where the fracture will be stabilized in order to allow him to fly back to Spain and undergo further medical treatments, probably a surgery.

Following this morningยดs accident when Alex Rins broke his wrist, he underwent further medical treatments at the University Medical Center Brackenridge in Austin. They aimed to stabilize his fracture before transferring him to his hometown in Spain.

At his arrival at the University Medical Center Brackenridge, Rins was evaluated both by the orthopaedic and trauma surgery team and they confirmed a displaced fracture to his left wrist. The team led by Dr. Austin Hill, Orthopedic Traumatologist at the University Medical Center Brackenridge, took him to the operating room and โ€œset his broken wrist and temporarily fixed it with pins.


  1. Kok amburadul gini suzuki di awal 2017, gak kayak tahun kemarin, iannone yg digadang2 bisa bawa GSX podium aja masih memble

  2. buang2 duit sijuki..kontrak pembalap zoonkkk…
    g bisa kompetitif,gampang cidera pula…kalo pemain bola mirip bastian schwenstiger…cmiww

  3. Get well soon Alex Rins…

    Tim Suzuki harus segera cari pebalap pengganti Rins, jangan sampe Maniac Joe DNF dan jadi gak dapat poin deh

  4. Klau tahun depan suzuki jdi punya tim satelit, mendingan s alex rins d masukin aj ke tim satelit lalu duet kan aja ianone dan jack miller d factory team, klau morbidelli kyak ny susah deh, soalny morbidelli itu akan gantiin tito rabat

  5. Betul,Suzuki bs kontak Lorenzo untuk mau gabung di tim suzuki.scra di ducati doi gak nemu setelan yg vs yamaha adalah motor yg hampir identik.

  6. kasian ni orang fisiknya kaya kerupuk, mudah sekali retak tulang, apalgi klo tulang belakangnya kambuh??? aduhh aduhh aduhh kapan fight nya klo kaya gini terus???


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