Bro semua, Baru dapet berita nih dari MCN bahwa Manajemen Dorna mengundur Jadwal gelaran MotoGP ke dua Di sirkuit twin Ring Motegijepang menjadi tanggal 3 Oktober 2010 nanti. Keputusan ini dilakukan setelah pembicaraan management krisis internal Dorna yang menanggapi kejadian Alam berupa aktivitas Vulkanik gunung Eyjafjallajoekull (susah amat ngejanya yak ) di Islandia. FYI aktivitas Vulkanik ini megakibatkan mayoritas dataran Eropa dalam status No Fly Zone !!
Kenapa sampe begitu? . . . debu semburan gunung Eyjafjallajoekull menutupi hampir mayoritas udara di atas eropa (bro bisa lihat sebaran debunya dari gambar yang saya dapat dari bbc di atas 🙄 ), terutama di angkasa Inggris Raya . . . sehingga demi keselamatan penerbangan semua pesawat tujuan timur jauh harus grounded. Lha kepriben? untuk persiapan tim . . .setiap tim Moto GP umumnya sudah mulai berangkat ke jepang mulai minggu ini , senin dan selasa esok. Keputusan ini pun otomatis menjadikan GP Jerez tanggal 2 Mei 2010 nanti menjadi gelaran Seri ke dua Moto GP, semoga berguna
Buat penggemar the doctor, I think this is a good news for them, fyi, krn kmarin2 kan rossi mngalami cedera pd waktu latihan motokross, so dia punya cukup waktu utk masa recovery, cmiiw…
Koq bisa begitu Om, bukan’a sehabis Race pertama d’Qatar kemaren Tim MotoGP bisa langsung terbang k’Jepang. . .
Nah yang jadi masalah, klo race d’Eropa yg bahaya, karena aktivitas Gunung apa tadi nama’a!!!
Itu baru eropa yg tertutup debu tapi dah bisa melumpuhkan/ganggu penerbangan didunia…, apa jadinya kalo gunung krakatau atau tambora meletus dijaman modern seperti skarang ini, yang awan debunya bisa menutupi seluruh permukaan bumi…
“We are scheduled to make some formal announcement at around noon tomorrow (Monday),” Twin Ring Motegi public relations officer Daisuke Naoi told AFP. “We don’t know what we will do yet.”
Motegi MotoGP officially postponed
Due to ongoing global travel disruption caused by the Icelandic volcanic eruption last week, FIM and Dorna have officially decided to postpone this weekend’s Japanese race at Motegi until October
It has been officially confirmed that the Japanese round on the 2010 MotoGP calendar – originally slated to take place at the Twin Ring Motegi this weekend – has been postponed until later in the season due to the Icelandic volcano eruption.
Due to the air travel issues caused across Europe by the volcanic eruption in Iceland, the decision has been taken to postpone the race weekend at Motegi which was scheduled to take place from April 23rd-25th.
The recent volcanic eruption in Iceland has caused an ash cloud that has halted all international air travel in and out of Europe.
This situation has prompted the Grand Prix Permanent Bureau which is comprised of FIM President Mr Vito Ippolito and Dorna Sports CEO Mr Carmelo Ezpeleta, with the agreement of the Grand Prix Promoter, Mobilityland Corporation, to postpone the Grand Prix of Japan which was originally scheduled for April 25th, 2010.
The Grand Prix Permanent Bureau has subsequently proposed a rescheduled date for the event of October 3rd, 2010 to the FIM.
Mbaca dulu ach. . .
moco sek…
besok-besok harus bs pertamax agh 🙂
yah lumayan….wokelah
10 besar
oi syukurlah aku gak bisa nonton kalo tgl 25
tgl 2 mei berarti sy sdh smpe di rumah lagi-la
untung debunya gak sampe ke INA-la…jd masih bisa terbang-la
aiyaah…pendatang baru memutuskan mata rante-ku-la…
barokah buat tukang pasir…. 🙂
Wah separah itu kah?
Buat penggemar the doctor, I think this is a good news for them, fyi, krn kmarin2 kan rossi mngalami cedera pd waktu latihan motokross, so dia punya cukup waktu utk masa recovery, cmiiw…
mleset jauh eeeeee…..
Wahhhh…. Ditinggal flirting sebentar, udah terlempar 20 an…. Baca dulu dah…
Koq bisa begitu Om, bukan’a sehabis Race pertama d’Qatar kemaren Tim MotoGP bisa langsung terbang k’Jepang. . .
Nah yang jadi masalah, klo race d’Eropa yg bahaya, karena aktivitas Gunung apa tadi nama’a!!!
Nama gunung’a susah diEja. . . Angel tenanan. . .
@sendal bolong
Tenang aja masih ada artikel2 yang lain. . .
wah, wedhus gembel’e wong Eropa youw?
30 besar…. Jauh ahh.
Iya betulllll, , , setuju
stuju bgt pak boz….
wedus gembel ning akeh lan amba,……ra ngundang mbah maridjan yo,…….
busreeeeeettt….bener2 klempar lagi,30kah?
sebaran debu sampe segitunya ya??
Itu baru eropa yg tertutup debu tapi dah bisa melumpuhkan/ganggu penerbangan didunia…, apa jadinya kalo gunung krakatau atau tambora meletus dijaman modern seperti skarang ini, yang awan debunya bisa menutupi seluruh permukaan bumi…
jeneng gununge angel banget, bisa dipermudah gag sih? 😆
absen 40 besarrr….
Faktor alam…
EYJAFHCKOELPGWYABRR..nyang bikin nama autis..brkrkrkr
Blog informatif,
Mudah2an aja aktivits vulkaniknya ga membahayakan & cepet usai, biar motoGP-nya bisa sgra dilaksanakan
padahal wes ra sabar.hicks . . .
Komenku barusan ketangkep satpam, keluarkan ya & salam kenal!
benarkah kepulan debu diatas efek dari bakar2an tread warungnya juragan? halah…malah ra nyambung……….
@19. Tiyo 2008….
Haaaa…. rossi cedera…??? jangan2 gara2 nyemplak mongtor matic yg kemaren….. encoknya kumat….. duh mesakno….
*nyumet obat nyamuk bakar…..
masih 40 besar?….
mudah2-an gunung2 di Indonesia gak ikutan mbleduk…. katanya Indonesia adalah ring of fire jeh!
waduh, info pentingg!!! ditunggu kelanjutannya mas
pindah ke indonesia aja…
tes!!! tes satu 23 tes!!
Setuju. 😀
wah mga aja.., gk jdi d undr ya coz udh gk sbr c!h..!
cari selamat aja deh..
pindah ke sentul wae ,,, wizz mesti jeblug kabweh bANNe
aduh…kurang hiburan seru nih….
Bravo Rossi
@all, emangnya enak.????..kalo lagi balapan tiba2 di uber2 lahar…. we ke ke ke 😛 😛 :P, kayak filem 2012 banget
Beri info selanjutna.
kalo gunung ynag di marih mbleduk . .. yang terpengaruh GP sepang he he he he
Udah resmi di undur ya?
@52 sof
lahar 275 kpj
motogp 349,8 kpj
syukur deh biar siaran trans7 diperbaiki dulu.. di magelang byk semut..
Ga pa2lah motogp di undur..toh kita masih di hibur sama sbk pada tanggal yg sama
wah, nobar warungnya mario gagal total deh,, padahal peserta dah banyak, banyakan celengannya pula….
wah acaranya MD batal dong
Eyjafjallajoekull,, itukan bahasa bule,, kalo bahasa indesianya kan gampang,, eijakulasi dini,,
@54 mas opik
kalo gunung sini mbleduk, mbah marijan jadi go internasional nih. otomatis terkenal gara2 dorna nyewa buat jadi pawang. hahaha
gk masalah, yg penting balapan tetap lanjut GAN…
tapi kok dari site resmi motoGP lum ada pengumumannya ya….
iya betul . . .aku sendiri bingung xixixiixxi . .. yo wes pokoke aku dah nulis sumber beritanya . .. jadi kalo hoax nggak disalahin xixixixixi
crash net akhirnya bicara :
“We are scheduled to make some formal announcement at around noon tomorrow (Monday),” Twin Ring Motegi public relations officer Daisuke Naoi told AFP. “We don’t know what we will do yet.”
ya mau bilang apa . . . wong fenomena alam
sing penting semua pada selamet , balapane di undur ora masalah.
keep brotherhood,
tiket udah terbeli 1minggu yg lalu neeh mas opik 😀
kaget aja baca berita ini
nice inpo banget mas
@56 Scnk, MotoGp 360 KPJ (Panic mode on………:P 😛 )
ngaco dongk acara
bang opik,, motogp di jepang nggak jadi di undur lho,,,
horee..ngk jadi pagi..coz bsok ada acara tnggal 2…xixixiixi 😀
yup keputusa akhir pihak GP hari ini
Motegi MotoGP officially postponed
Due to ongoing global travel disruption caused by the Icelandic volcanic eruption last week, FIM and Dorna have officially decided to postpone this weekend’s Japanese race at Motegi until October
It has been officially confirmed that the Japanese round on the 2010 MotoGP calendar – originally slated to take place at the Twin Ring Motegi this weekend – has been postponed until later in the season due to the Icelandic volcano eruption.
ini yang paling mutakhir :
Due to the air travel issues caused across Europe by the volcanic eruption in Iceland, the decision has been taken to postpone the race weekend at Motegi which was scheduled to take place from April 23rd-25th.
The recent volcanic eruption in Iceland has caused an ash cloud that has halted all international air travel in and out of Europe.
This situation has prompted the Grand Prix Permanent Bureau which is comprised of FIM President Mr Vito Ippolito and Dorna Sports CEO Mr Carmelo Ezpeleta, with the agreement of the Grand Prix Promoter, Mobilityland Corporation, to postpone the Grand Prix of Japan which was originally scheduled for April 25th, 2010.
The Grand Prix Permanent Bureau has subsequently proposed a rescheduled date for the event of October 3rd, 2010 to the FIM.
bueh di undur? 😮 lah padahal baru beli antena biar bisa nonton GP je :s
wah….info yang sangat berguna buat gp mania seperti saya….
Waah… kecewa juga. meski bisa maklum. gak sabar lihat stoner bangkit lagi disusul Ben spies….
beh., nama gunungnya sulit, EYJAAJAZHOELID
ya sudah lah…..mau gmana lagi…
bisaka hnd repsol menang di Jerez nantinya? Atau cuma penghibur lg begitu ducati stoner gak crash?
siall….padahal gua udah beli ticket ke jepang (motegi) mau di jual kemana nih ticket……???????………………..
Kenapa Bisa Begitu
bile gunung marah, kite mesti sabar, Bro…!!!!
akh,, padahal pedrosa udah siap siap…..
i alan aq tunguin……..