Friday, 14 March 2025

[English Version] First Ride Impression 2014 Kawasaki Ninja RR Mono ( Ninja 250SL ) by




Dear fellow readers, at last TMCBlog was granted the opportunity to seize the first impression of riding the Kawasaki Ninja RR Mono in official manner in Sentul International Circuit in Bogor West Java. It was rare one as the opportunity was only restricted to only 30 registered persons from various media, including two bloggers Bro Leopold7 and tmcblog myself…. TMCBlog  got to the location in the Circuit around 9 AM; unfortunately the list ruled that the turn was to take after Noon prayer and Lunch (Sholat Zuhur); it was understandable since the re-registration occurring the day before had been too late. Nothing to feel sorry; however, that the spare time was used for taking picture of Ninja RR Mono which is still under rumor to be sold at 39,9 Millions Rupiahs (On the road, Jakarta areas) . . . when the time was about to come after the lunch tmcblog immediately put on required gears including Racing suit AHRS Official TMCBlog , Glove AHRS, Back Protector Spidi, 7 gear boots, Helm K3, Gopro hero3 and action Cam RD32 . . . The current riding group was led by Haji Yudhistira riding on ZX6R




TMCBlog decided to ride on non-ABS version of yellow Ninja RR Mono . . .Gopro 3 was decided to put on Haji yudhistira’s helmet . . . the decision was proven to be wrong, though, since he rode it very fast, leading to small image production in Gopro . . . However, it shouldn’t be concerned since several videos produced by RD32 put on either side of the helmet can display the agility of this beautifully made Ninja RR Mono. While on the riding, the pocket camera was handed to Bro Tedy, one KMI staff member, that was coincidently taking pictures in great S of Sentul . . . Alright fellas, let’s feel the impression. . . .

Please read Further Article at


  1. waw,, english persion,,, 😆

    if uncle haji more down to fulltank, then the result of top speed must be divrent,, 😆

  2. how about the smaller size of tyres than the generally 250cc platform? does make it the another advantage maybe about being easier to ride/handle? or it compromises the another section such as traction, cornering, etc, which is the most significant?

    • I think it will effect to the performance as the power to weight ratio is going bigger because smaller tire means less weight

  3. Mono looks like soonly and automatically overcome CBR in single cylinder segment. then the tight battle will be between The two cylinders brought by proven kawasaki and awaited yamaha hehehe

  4. bro taufik, perkenalkan saya Rizal, silent reader blog bro taufik yang sekarang sedang menuntut ilmu di negeri paman Sam. Kebetulan saya abis membaca artikel bahasa inggris dari bro taufik dan merasa terpanggil utk bantu membenarkan apabila ada penulisan yang kurang mengena, supaya media asing yang membacanya dpt lebih mengerti dan menangkap first impressionnya. Kalau boleh saya minta alamat email bro taufik, untuk dikirimkan versi inggris yang telah saya coba koreksi sedikit (mungkin masih banyak kekurangan, mohon dicek kembali). Terima kasih sblmnya bro taufik, hatur nuhun

  5. agree with you both. till now we may say the reference of all about motorcycle based in indonesia tht also can be accessed to the whole world is brought by wak haji taufik w/ his motoupdate and here in some english articles. so it would be very nice if the english can be used as the source of international media articles, without too many changes and potentially different interpretates.

  6. dear wak hajj…. i am just 163 cm taller… is it suit for this RR mono seat heigt.. or i am just still jinjit ballet… and if it compare with N250R Fi.. is the RRmono size bigger than my body size?… so what do you think wakk hajj?..


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